Everyone sees the world in a different form, and everyone is right: there is so much meaning in it.
- Goethe
To have a “vision of the future” is to have the ability to make assumptions about a state or events that will become relevant over time. If an ordinary person builds such assumptions abstractly in his head, then an artist envisions the future with the help of canvas or paper. Relying on knowledge and trusting intuition and fantasies, the artist paints a possible future.
A craving for the sky and the unexplored expanses of the Universe is the main motive behind artists’ creative work. Every individual has a unique interpretation of the cosmos’s appearance and its connection to the future. The cosmos is not just a void, but a space for searching and introspection. What does tomorrow hold? The next year? The next ten years? And the next hundred?
The exhibition “In Search of the Future” is a part of the exhibition project “Opening the Funds.” It presents a collection of graphic works from the art fund of the Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics.